EN - English
If you need an API to access Banco Santander, Caixabank or a remote bank, our API makes this possible, synchronously and always respecting a coherent response scheme.
The usual APIs, based on PSD2, are limited to access only to current accounts (payment accounts according to the PSD2 nomenclature) for banks in the European Union. In the case of Wealth Reader, there are no geographical or product type limitations. We have the necessary experience to create and maintain robust connectors that guarantee complete and detailed access to all financial products and accessing any entity in Spain, or outside Spain, is no problem.
The financial products we provide access to include: balances and transactions, as well as IBANs and current account holders; credit and debit card position, transaction, and ownership information; details of direct debits via SEPA mandate, including details of the payer and the respective PDF file; contracting conditions, ownership and amortisation table for loans; composition and transactional activity of investment portfolios, including ISIN, MIC and DGS codes as applicable; and conditions, policyholders and insurance coverage contracted.
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